The Funny 115 Guestbook


6:43am 12-14-2017
You've talked about many entries you wish you could have included on both lists, so I was wondering if you've considered doing some sort of honorable mentions for those that you feel deserve some spotlight on the website.
10:57pm 11-30-2017
Yeah, I hear you. Everyone is obsessed with making #bigmoves, and doing little else. Although ironic comments/statements can make me smile at times. Probst must be loving this season!
10:36am 11-30-2017
I got so bored by it I haven't seen the past three weeks. I'll just catch up on it after the season ends.
9:34pm 11-29-2017
What are your thoughts on the current season?
9:54am 11-27-2017
Thanks, I never knew that.
6:42am 11-27-2017
@ Tocantins part 2.
Just a remark that it was not a "Excalibur" theme song but actually quite a classical piece called "Carmina Burana" by Carl Orff which was just used by Trevor Jones in that movie. The song itself is over 80 years old.
11:44am 11-25-2017
kei w.
funny list dude
1:08pm 11-21-2017
Sorry, no Russell entries this time around. I'm done with him.
3:45pm 11-18-2017
I hope the fall of Russell Part 3 will be an entry. There already was a Part 1 and Part 2 in the funny 115 2.0. Also, unlike the other two times, Russell got voted out by his tribe and then got beat in a duel.
7:37pm 11-09-2017
I count five Redemption Island entries thus far and one to come so that means there's one in the top ten? What could it be? I seriously have no idea - I remember very little from that season. Did the short guy with the hat do something hilarious before crying when eliminated?

Anyway, I'm rereading the first entry for the well-rounded Angie for like the fifth time and I just noticed CGI Brett's appearance. Love the callbacks!
5:13pm 11-03-2017
No, Redemption Island is going to wind up with 7. Cook Islands either had 3 or 4 back on version 2. So Cook Islands remains the champion.
3:42pm 11-03-2017
Mario I'm curious but is RI set to break the "record" for season w/ least number of entries in any Funny115?
5:44am 11-01-2017
alex australia
max really did suck......worse than zapatera.
3:38pm 10-25-2017
He's sort of like Coach in that sense. On his own he can be insufferable but if the right people are around talking smack about him then it gets way better. Cochran was the perfect foil for someone like Phillip.
10:34am 10-25-2017
I'm really glad you included the grappling hook as an entry, I have always loved that scene. In fact, that one scene single handedly makes me appreciate Phillip soley for the fact that there is always someone like Cochran around to shit talk him in a funny, clever way.
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