The Funny 115 Guestbook


8:11pm 07-18-2021
Hey Mario, was just reading your book and had two questions for you if you have the time to answer them. One, are you still planning on writing another one? Because as a fan who didn’t start watching live on TV until Tocantins, I would love to hear the insider perspective on seasons 4-7 which are some of my all time favorites. And secondly, you mentioned how you got your entire student section banned from attending wrestling matches in high school which I’m very curious about since I got my entire friend group kicked out of football games in my senior year. Love the book by the way thanks for writing it!
10:16am 07-10-2021
Russell Hantz
Is that a threat or a promise lol? (because if that's a promise, you have a deal.)
12:21pm 07-05-2021
I mean, I could always make it the end of August. Would be easy to do.
6:00pm 07-03-2021
Natalie White
I guess winning Survivor was too ambitious a goal for you Russell?
4:00pm 06-30-2021
Russell Hantz
I guess end of June was too ambitious a goal for you Mario?
9:17am 06-22-2021
Kenny B.
Yeah eatinggrin, "that's my fetish" will always be one of my favorite moments. Right up there with "DAYUM!"
2:13pm 06-20-2021
Searched for 'shit eating grin' and found #57 on v2, with the old animated gif of the two girls in shock while the dude grins.
I hadn't known the context for the gif despite it being around for ages, never saw the series, so it is good to finally know why.
Maybe it was better in my imagination, thinking of what they were watching.
3:53pm 06-17-2021
Kenny B.
You totally should after you post #1. Consider it one of those "Honorable Mentions" kind of things.
11:05am 06-15-2021
Version 1 was a totally different style and I didn't really know what I was doing yet. There are a lot of things I could change about v1 if I could go back and do it again. I would also give Rudy his own character entry.
11:36am 06-04-2021
Hey Mario! I loved V1, but I do have one problem. I feel you glossed over the Jon vs Sandra storyline, the most underrated rivalry ever. Why didn't you make it into one entry?
6:54pm 06-02-2021
Any chance of a Funny 115 v4 for seasons 31-40 (though it's hard to top the "Monkey Paw Tale of Dan Foley"?
4:29pm 05-31-2021
I didn't realize this was your website Dara, do you lie and tell the truth too?
11:02am 05-25-2021
You are on a Survivor website Ryan, do you really think anyone would care what you think lmao
10:25pm 05-24-2021
It's been over a year since Survivor has been on, and I don't miss the show at all.
9:18pm 05-24-2021
How much would we have to donate for you to do a write up of the Funny 20 for Kid Nation
Messages: 31 until 45 of 1459.
Number of pages: 98
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