The Funny 115 Guestbook


10:57am 03-19-2021
Version 1 was written nearly fifteen years ago, and it was a totally different style than I later developed. So yeah there are a bunch of things I would do differently if I ever went back and I redid it. You'll notice that Rudy never even got a character entry, and if I did it now he would be in the top five. Keep in mind that version 1 wasn't a website at the time, it was just a feature in my MySpace blog. I never meant for it to be this giant thing.
10:07am 03-19-2021
I love reading version 1.0 of the funny115, but I always feel like it's missing the moments that made me laugh the most! They both came from Guatemala, a pretty average season that had me looking at my phone for most of it, but two moments made it totally worth it! Those two moments are the irony of the car curse, and how sure Cindy Hall felt that she was going to break the curse, only to annoy Rafe with how much she was bragging about her car. The fact that she ends up also being voted out that same episode (I believe) is also hilarious. The whole moment with the ritualistic chicken (it was a chicken I'm pretty sure) in the finale was also absolutely hilarious. Two moments that I was sad not to see on the Funny115, and that I thought would totally fit your style of comedy. I guess it's probably because Guatemala had just come out at the time and Judd and Gary had taken all the spotlight for you ;-;
1:08pm 03-18-2021
The first guy who was kicked out on Palau, Jonathan Libby, he had survived testicular cancer prior to playing.
10:54am 03-18-2021
Hey Mario. I'm reading the Kat's appendix entry, and you mention something about testicular cancer and Palau? WTH's that about?
2:37pm 03-17-2021
I am THERE for it! Enjoy the writing process for entry 1 and enjoy your break when it's published!
2:03pm 03-17-2021
Yes! I will most definitely do an Angelina character entry at some point in the future. There's no way I will ever commit to doing 115 writeups in a row ever again, but I definitely want to do a couple of standalone writeups. And of course Angelina is definitely one of them. She deserves to be memorialized.
1:02pm 03-17-2021
Hey Mario! I've been in love with all three editions of the Funny115 and your Brad Culpeper/Kelly Shinn/Dan Foley entries were actual eye openers on how dirty they were done, outside of their quirks.

I'm sure you'll be happily retired after #1 is published but do you think at some point in the future, you'll publish a character entry on Angelina from David v Goliath? A one-shot? Because it's clear she's really the only memorable character from seasons 31-40 as a genuine positive. There've been blips but most of the last 10 seasons are sparse of comedy, if not outright traumatic.

At any rate, congrats again! These have been wonderful reads.
6:07am 03-16-2021
10:40am 03-15-2021
Hey Rob I just added your post to the feedback page for the entry. Thank you!
10:37am 03-15-2021
He's reminding you that he's the #2 entry.
6:02pm 03-14-2021
Kenny B.
i just realized that Dan's icon at #2 has him throwing out the peace symbol like Sandra did. lol
12:11am 03-10-2021
I binged the entire Dan Foley entry last night, and I think it's probably the best thing I've ever read on this site. It was funny, but it was also a really sobering look at the editing process and the way that Survivor tends to treat its players. Dan was over-the-top, and I think genuinely unaware of how he comes off at times, but to me a lot of the time he came off as a guy who was basically a big kid, letting his excitement get the better of him, and trying his best to say and do all the right things but never actually really being able to pull it off.

I saw a lot more of myself in Dan Foley than I'd ever care to admit, because I too think I am a hilarious guy that is loved by everyone around me, and I'm probably more wrong about that than I know. That's why I'm really grateful for this entry, because it gave us a balanced look at the good things about Dan. The way he loves his wife. The way he reached out to Shirin. The way he tried to be a good sport when he was winning rewards and Rodney wasn't. The way he wanted to be loyal and got that loyalty twisted and distorted by more unethical players. There was a lot of good in Dan, even if it wasn't obvious.

My takeaway from this is that Dan's biggest sin is just not understanding how he comes off. It doesn't seem right to hate a guy who's out there trying his ass off every day to make you laugh and entertain you the best way he knows how, but just doesn't manage to do it right. If nothing else, I think he deserves respect for the sheer amount of effort he put in, even if it didn't pan out.
10:40am 03-08-2021
Is #1 Coach again? Oh my god I hope its good.
2:28pm 03-06-2021
The final entry should be three parts. Maybe four depending on how I want to do it.
9:01am 03-06-2021
Kenny B.
Mario, if #1 is Coach again I swear to God lol
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